Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh that AT&T...

Well, on Friday, I got a call from a Rep at AT&T. He offered me a really terrific deal. Changing my Static IP to a Dynamic IP and upgrading my speed to just under 6K. For no extra money. I was astonished.

No gimmicks, nothing. As many of you know the problems I've had with AT&T.

So this morning I logged on and nothing. NADA, Nothing. I wondered. The Rep said I'd receive a letter advising me of the change. NADA.

So after trying a couple rounds of reconfiguring both the PC and the MAC, I gave them a call. It seemed they changed over to the DHCP this morning. All without telling me.

Well, you know how it goes. You can either talk to the PC guy or the MAC guy, or the Networking guy and on and on. I opted for the easier and went with the PC guy, Steve. After a wee bit of configuration. (He kept asking me if I was in an IT department somewhere because I seemed to know a lot. I told him no.) we fixed it.

I told him I could handle reconfiguring my MAC and the Airport and Airport Extreme's. He was surprisingly astonished. Anyway, around 2 I was up and running in just about 2 hours.

I sure wish they would let us know when they are doing something.