Friday, June 26, 2009

Cameron Diaz

One of my favorite shows on these seasons is the Bill Maher show. Earlier tonight, Bill had Cameron Diaz on. She was fascinating, of course. In conversation of herself she said something like...

(This is a botched paraphrase from Cameron Diaz’s interview with Bill Maher with my thoughts mixed in. How true it is.

When you come into a relationship another person that person arranges into their head the person you are. People are much more complex than that. We grow, we change, we metamorph into something else. A Person cannot be boxed into what another person arranges in their head for them. It’s impossible to fulfill. Impossible for either person to grow into someone else…which is nature’s way in growing older.

I really really like the concept of this thought. Think about it. I mean, dwell on it for awhile. Just dwell.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Facebook!!! Yeah baby....

Whew, have I been inundated. I somehow got invited on and signed up. Well, I haven't stopped since. 22 old friends == New connections, old high school friends. What an incredible resource.

It's absolutely a boost to my morale to know that there are people out there who knew, know and still love me. Warm Fuzzies galore.

It's also nice to share what has been going on with me over the past 18 years with some people.

Now, is this the Facebook that our glorious GOP wants to eliminate because of the sinfulness? Can't believe it!


Happy Gay Pride Los Angeles!