Saturday, September 26, 2009

Death 101

Sometimes it’s just too hard to face the reality of death. I think we instinctively, ultimately know, but just can’t bring ourselves to accept it. I think it’s our nature. It’s a very difficult thing, letting go. But it is something we must do to be at peace with ourselves. And each and every one of our processes is different.

For some of us, it’s easy. Others, it takes time. We must literally watch with our own eyes the physical deterioration in our loved ones. Sad as it may be, we can’t bring ourselves to give up hope. Hope there can be an answer from a doctor telling us just how much time we have. Hope that someone can tell us when our loved one will go and, of course, hope that it doesn’t happen.

While trying not to be pessimistic, I have always felt our loved ones won’t go until we are ready to let them go. For whatever reason, we must be mentally and emotionally ready. It’s almost like giving them permission to be at peace, which in turn comes from us being at peace with ourselves enough to give that permission.

People who are dying hold on for many different reasons. Maybe a daughter has some forgiving to do. Maybe a son needs to say thank you. Maybe a mother needs to tell her children, no matter what, she’ll always be with them. A variety of different reasons as is a variety of different circumstances.

In my world, I do know, well at least hope that in the next life we’ll see and feel their love again. I know I continue to feel the love of my loved ones who have passed in many different ways at least once a day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Last Night of the World

No more Chemo...

On September 21st, my mother's oncologist is going to tell her he is ending treatment and that as far as he can tell, the two courses of chemo and one course of Radiation has done little, if anything to quell the cancer

Quite a conversation it will be, I'm sure. This will be a stark reality picture.

As I previously mentioned pain, I didn't discuss a broken heart, which is what I feel. Only to have known my mother for 8 short years. It tells me to act on my thoughts and dreams while there is time. Live each day like it's the last night of the world.

This morning I awoke thinking about the song, "The Last Night of the World", from the Broadway Musical, Miss Saigon. a lonely saxophone. Here's a You Tube link.