Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Website Creation

I had no idea. I mean, I'd played around with it a bit, but never very much. At any rate, I honestly had no idea.

After about two weeks of sporadic work, I feel my CMT website is finally complete. At least, I have it published as I want it. I few gliches along the way, but it's there.

I even went as far as to put an ad in Craig's List for someone to help me with a couple of things but I was inundated with responses and they all seeemed to offer more help than I needed. I guess when someone reads, I have my site complete, it reads...I have no idea of what to do. Anyway, the links work and for now, my passive advertising is complete.

Take a chance to look. www.willyf.com - click the link and there you go.

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