Friday, October 15, 2010

San Francisco et. al.

Well, finally I made it into the City. I can't hardly remember when the last time was. I can tell you it's absolutely beautiful. I'm sitting here at a dining room table looking out floor to ceiling glass windows at downtown SF. The lights from the Bay Bridge are spectacular as well as the city.

Seeing my old doctor was an incredible experience. AFter my doctor in Sonora died I needed to find another so I thought it would be a ghood reason to go to the city. I first saw this doctor in 1991 to give you a little history. In orther words, we've been a lot of places together. Being here is a bit imtimidating I must say. It's kind of different. Yet not, I can't really explaiin it. Mark and Kevin were kind enough to let me stay at there place and their roommate is adorable.

So, it's like a kid in a candy store and I don't really know what to do. The trouble of getting it together and going out or whatever. I was never really good at this anyway. So damn that. I guess I should check in with the fellow I spoke with last night.

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