Saturday, November 13, 2010

My New Career

Could it be I've reached my calling? I am beginning to think that it's the case. I so enjoy doing bodywork, I can't tell you. Being that everyone it different, there is such variety and such a chance for a different kind of connection. I really enjoy it.

This week, I will have done 5 different treatments. I'm overwhelmed at the level of support I've received and even more overwhelmed that I seem to have found my flow. It's fascinating to me that in the time allocated, I'm able to do all the body parts required. Amazing.

And the availability of having space at Outside the Box, well, I can't thank Dave enough for the show of support he has given to me. Absolutely incredible. I am so blessed to know the people I know in my life.

I asked my father to calculate some projections to the end of the year and I'm head by about 60%. Amazing.

So, as long as I am good to myself, keep myself grounded, have a good chiropracter, I am completely happy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.