Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Learning to live alone

Learning to live alone. At my age no less.

It's been three decades since I've lived alone and I must say life is very different than living with someone else. Most people already know that by my age.

While Dad is still here, I've been very lucky and fortunate to have him but one day I won't. I guess this is life's way of preparing me for that day while he is still around.

The first thing I encountered was a budget. A budget!, Oy vey! I've never been one to manage my money well. With a roommate, or a relative, that is, my father there always seems to be enough around. I've never been one to be frugal either. If there was a name-brand, I'd buy it. Now I stop and look.

So not only is the house much quieter and there's less food in the refrigerator and there's less laundry to do I will have to learn this new way of life. I will walk the dog more, watch less TV. Do more in the community and more as I think of it.

This type of situation isn't new. Everyone goes through the loss of their parents. In fact, over the past few years, due to the dot com failure, many adults, previously living on their own have had to move back home. And now, as our parents become older, we are fast becoming caregivers, whether we want to or not. Sure, there are other options but for the most part, this job is not a forever job. At some point many of us will have to re-enter the work-place. In today's economy I wonder how possible that will be.

I know I can't go out and get a bartender job like I did when I was 23. Or that of an Administrative Assistant at 28. My physicality has changed. It's just the way it is. Many occupations are age appropriate. Some aren't.

So during these weeks while Dad is in rehab I have a lot to think about, that is...learning to live alone.