Monday, December 31, 2007

The Last Day of 2007

Why does this time of year promote such reflection? Is it because there is time around the holidays to think? Having time off from the day-to-day stuff? Is it because of the sentimentality of Christmas, the Christ Child? I wonder.

It seems we always think about our lives and think about doing something different. The whole “New Years Resolution” thing. I mean, you have to actually think about that. You can’t just pull it out of a hat. And many do. I guess that is why people fail at diets; new exercise regimes and all the traditional things people start anew each year.

I’m not sure whether I have a resolution this year. I haven’t had one for many years. I’m also not sure if it is necessary to have one, but I know, I am thinking a lot this year.

Happy New Year!

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