Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Saga of Ronny Comes to a Close

Well, Ronny got out of jail last month. It’s kind of interesting (Ronny and I are no longer friends) my perception of Ronny was that he wanted to get his life together, he just had this jail time to do, and then he would. What really he wanted was to continue to live the same kind of life, pilfering this and that, not working, but doing little things here and there, living with anyone who had a sofa and would let him and continue his lifestyle of drugs and robbery. It’s too bad. I can see that without a strong parental figure in someone’s life they have no clue of what they should be. I mean, he has 5 brothers and sisters with three fathers. Mom married a shyster insurance person 20 years ago and he screwed the kids up. Can you imagine a stepfather saying, “I married your mother, not you kids.”

The guy is kind of a grifter. Packing the kids in the car and dragging them to church asking for handouts. Moreover, a different church each Sunday. Therefore, Ronny’s sense of growing up is exactly what he is doing. Going around looking for handout’s day to day, not really taking life seriously or growing up.

After he was released, I tried to be a good example for him, but when I found that he was just abusing my friendship, nickel and dining me to death, I gave up. You can’t change people, I know. I guess he did a good job of convincing me he wanted something he didn’t.

Therefore, here I am, once again, with my friends numbered.

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