Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And the money keeps rolling in with every cough...

For a long time now I've had this idea that the "flu shot" is part of a big conspiracy. A conspiracy to give people the flu, so they get the flu in the winter months and have to buy tons and tons of cold and flu products. And it works.

American's are being led around by the nose and buying into it. More and more each year. The reason I am writing about this is because my Father got his flu shot this past October and consequently got the flu two weeks ago has now given it to me. The last time I had the flu was about 15 years ago when I got my last flu shot. Over the past few years Dad didn't get a shot and this year did ... and also got the flu. The cough and cold remedy business brings in big bucks for these mega corporations. I mean, a bottle of Nyquil will set you back about $6 or $7 bucks. And then of course, you'll have to have some accompanying decongestant or expectorant too. Big bucks indeed.

America's media buys into it, primarily because the drug companies sponsor the media. And then all you hear is, "Did you get your flu shot this year?" I mean think about it. Injecting you with the flu so you don't get the flu. Come on! And we wonder why these resistant strains of infections is running rampant throughout the country . . . because we have so overmedicated ourselves, the bugs have taken on new genetic forms. And it's all true too.

So while I drink my Nyquil, suffering from a cough, congestion, et. al., I can only be pissed that I too have fallen into being led around by my nose like the rest of the country. Just some food for thought while you enjoy your winter illnesses. And for he makers of Nyquil and the rest, the money keeps rolling in.

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