Friday, March 21, 2008

It is the most wonderful time of the year…at least here in my garden, here in Jamestown.

With great thanks to a cold and hardy winter, the roses seem revitalized this year with new abundant growth. The forsythia has come back, the photinia has an enormous amount of red leaf growth and even the grass is coming back. In grass, I mean the combination of week; fescue and grass that makes the ground look green.

The clematis has grown 2 ½ feet in the last week and the Graham Thomas roses in front of the house were only pruned 1 month ago. Absolutely incredible!

I’m so looking forward to one of our most glorious and colorful months of May in many years.

I can only hope our country will view spring as I do. With hopes of a new administration taking our country in a direction not seen in the last seven years. With the growth of new voter’s becoming excited about the country, that is, new growth and blooms to come forth and the hopes of many of us watching Hillary Clinton becoming the presidential nominee and Barack Obama being the vice presidential nominee.

Truly an exciting time in my garden and in the nation.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

At last, my predictions...

Ok, I might as well spill the beans, my predictions for the Democratic Candidate for President: Either Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton. I think they are both stuck with each other and they both know it. Although if Hillary pulls enough of Texas and Ohio she might think she can do it without him. Hopefully not, because if he is not the nominee I think a whole lot of people will be crying foul and then mess this whole thing up leaving McCain the winner. I hope if Obama is the choice, he will defer to Hillary knowing that he will have 8 years in the White House and then the seemingly secure possibility of 8 more for a total of 16 years. How wonderful!

I believe that is why the last two debates seem to show the two are being very similar. They have both stressed friendship prior to and after the campaign and if ether person is not the candidate, they will certainly disenfranchise hundred’s of thousands of voters

With racial comments heightening over the past two years in the media, we have been pre-conditioned, if you will, to be sensitive to what I call the elephant in the room. No one seems to address the issue of Barack being black and Hillary white and I dare say no one addresses the issue of Hillary being a woman. Something is wrong right there.

I think that behind the scenes, deep within the Republican Party workers (and they will always remain mysterious) are finding racist and antifeminist voters to come out, register, and vote for the “other” candidate. It’s very subtle and maybe far-fetched, but outside of the major cities, racism is alive and well. Just as men feeling women should be pregnant in the kitchen is alive and well. Think of home many married men refer to “their wives” rather than to them by name. I believe Republicans want Obama as the candidate with Hillary out of the picture. It’s the only way they can win.

Furthermore, I think McCain will choose Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida as his running mate. I personally don’t think McCain has long. He looks frail, he is older and I think his days are numbered. What a great idea of having a candidate that just might not make it past the inauguration as the president with a Bush standing beside him. Interesting as well is that during the Primary Season, no one has even bothered to talk about the effect Florida will have. Florida was certainly influential in the 2000 race.

One other thing in the back of my mind is that should there be some fiasco after the Democratic Convention, I’m sure George W. Bush would be more than happy to initiate Martial Law until the unrest quiets down. This quite possibly could make GBW the last president of the United States of America. We recently saw this in Pakistan and the administration’s reaction to Mushareff declaring himself Commander in Chief of the Army and the Nation. Maybe a test for America to see the reaction.

Well, there it is. I wanted to put it out there. The media has had a hey-day. The corporate giants supporting the media and backing the candidates have had a hey-day. It’s really been quite a year. A year that has distracted the nation from issues at hand like immunity for telecoms, the cost of the war, the state of the economy here at home and the diabolical escapades of the man, who as the result of a presidential coup d’etat stole the White House in 2000.

Note: MS Word 2008 for MAC spell check gives Osama as a corrected spelling for Obama. Interesting how even the great corporate giant Microsoft wants to draw parallels to a criminal