Sunday, April 6, 2008

A letter to a neighbor

I think this is pretty self explanatory...

Dearest Neighbor,

As the first few warm days of spring have arrived and with summer ensuing, we are once again reminded of your profanity and the verbal abuses that you dispatch upon your children That is to say, into the air of the peaceful serenity of our Jamestown neighborhood.

I can’t help but think that the long term effects of profanity and verbal abuse upon children will turn them into some kind of vile, disgusting people and I would urge you to use care with the expletives you choose to bellow or bestow upon your charge. By the way, occasional screaming, “you love them” doesn’t count.

Let’s have a quiet summer for a change (The last few have been rather embarrassing and quite hard to listen to). Discipline your kids, but please don’t let the rest of us suffer from it.

This letter is written with the greatest concern for the quality of care in the development of your kids A parenting class might be well taken. Your children know should know better of the clean “unpolluted “ air which we share.

Warmest regards with the greatest of sincerity.
Your neighbors

I hope she won't be upset with me, although she might just grab her shotgun and come and shoot me. If no further posts, check it out.

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