Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm Sorry

Well I just spoke to my friend Mark. Apparently, I posted something about him that he didn’t like. Since I can’t seem to find it, I will just retract anything bad I ever said about him.
Mark is a wonderful human being and I never meant to tarnish his name.

Biker's in town

It’s hard to believe but Jamestown has a street fair. Quite different from the street fairs I knew in San Francisco, but it is definitely a street fair.

What it really is is a ride from the Modesto Harley Davidson shop to the Jamestown Harley shop. I don’t know how many people were there but the school grounds were full of bikes and most of the streets were full as well. I noticed 3 or 4 sets of mounted sheriffs. Security was extremely visible, which is good, but a little unnerving. Probably about 2,500 people

Two stages, one at either end of Main were set up with live music and giveaways and there were a number of craft and biker stuff type booths in the parking lots just off Main. All in all, quite impressive.

Stoli and I walked from one end to another. She got her usual shares of “Cute dog ”comments. Sher was happy but a wee bit distracted with all the loud sounds. She wouldn’t even peek when asked. (It’s a good thing she liked the treats.)

The fair was officially called the “Sierra Hope Ride” and the event money went to “Jerry’s Kids” and MDA. For those of you who have been around since the ‘80’s, I don’t mean that kind of MDA. There is a famous ride in Siouth Dakota, called the "Sturgis" ride.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Japanese Component

Today, approximately 210 miles up in the sky NASA joined forces with Japan and the final pressurized component of the ISS, Kibo, was connected. It was spectacular! There were two sightings over Jamestown tonight as well. It sure looks bigger and brighter up there now than it did almost 2 years ago.

It is so refreshing to finally have a hobby!

It's Over...for now...

Whew! Was I relieved when Barack topped the nomination tonight. These last few months have been a wild roller-coaster of a ride with the media running amuck at every chance.

I think our new president should ban the media from themselves. No more politico. No ore derisive politics, racial divides and all that has gone with it.

I like the idea of Pay per View channels. I could eliminate Fox and most likely CNN. I don't think I'd be missing any fair or balanced either.

As much as I wanted Hillary to win the nomination there is still hope of a VP spot...I hope.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see but for's over!