Thursday, August 7, 2008

A word of Advice

I guess I thought I was above it, but it finally happened. Yup, even I am not invincable. To make a 1hour 56 minute story short. I called AppleCare today to figure out wny Safari was acting so slow. Well, we did ths, we did that....we waited. We redid. and then we added, deleted and resintalled. Lo and behold during the reinstall, there wasn't quite enough room so we had to be selective. So we didn't add a few things. All seemed well, We said our goodbyes and I restarted. Whoops!

Mot enough room for Mac OSX to start! What now? All my precious thoughts, my future blog ideas, my guzillion email account settings, my address book. Yup, can't access any of it.

Luckily, I did have my Time Machine activated so I hope tomorrow, I can call AC again and we can figure it out. I fortunately have all my addresses on my ipod, along with a month's worth of calendar items, but what about all those email messages I really wanted to save? Can they really be found?

Apple provides a cheat sheet for all your settings. I had printed it out, but hadn't filled it in. I really wish I had because I really need the passwords for a couple accounts.

So, my friends, beware. Little glips may occur. Our precious little laptops and towers are not as invincible as we think they are. Protect yourself. Wear a condom over your head if you have to but remember, Take precautions.

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