Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Multiple Events

It is amazing how an event can trigger multiple events in our lives.

Mark and Kevin’s Wedding on October 9th. Not knowing about it until October 6th or 7th.

All the crap between the candidates during the last weeks of the election. The election on November 4. Karel being fired from KGO on November 1st.

Remembrances of my mother’s death 28 years and 3 minutes ago.

I am happy for Mark and Kevin.

The anger that arose in me every time Sarah Palin spoke…or didn’t. The pundits: O’Reilly, O’Hannity, and all the rest. Hatemonger’s.

Listening to Karel over the past few years and his termination the night before the election. Unbelievable. Karel is an Icon to me. A Brilliant creation.

For some odd reason I missed the Obama speech on election night. I had Tivo’d it and watched it last night. The tears, the joy, the hope, the change.

And of course, 28 years ago to the minute of lying down in my bed knowing I would never have the love and companionship of my mother again.

Maybe this is my “October Surprise”.

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