Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Greetings!

So this is Christmas...

It's been a year! We've certainly had our ups and downs this year, but somehow, someway, both my father and I have made it through another year.

I didn't travel much but I did further my education. I also spent a lot of time care-taking after Dad's vacation at SRMC.

Through it all, on Christmas Eve we both find each other well, fed, happy and there are gifts under the "tree". (It's definitely not a tree, but we lit the outside of the house in a conservatively economical way this year.)

This coming year we hope to do more work in the yard - we had great success with our two year old "orchard" of pears, peaches, nectarines and cherries. Of course, the roses didn't let us down and they were all gorgeous in almost 3 full blushes.
Politics have run the spectrum in the TV room and I am sporting a Turn Off FOX sticker on my Ford. Meanwhile, in the TV room, it's Palin and O'Reilly blathering all day long! Kinda funny how children can become the complete political and philosophical opposites of each other.

Anyway, this year was a time to re-unite with old friends, dump some bad habits, and make a fresh start on many different levels. I'm pleased to say, it's been quite a metamorphosis! I am so thankful and lucky to have the people that are in my life. (You know who you are!)

So, my friends, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - My phrase for my year is "Grateful, Thank you! Grateful for old friends, grateful for marvelous opportunities for learning that I can never say thank you enough!

So this is Christmas, what have we done? (A terrific song with terrific lyrics). Listen to it tomorrow).
John Lennon & Yoko Ono 1971

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