Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Mr. President,

I applaud you for doing something right in propelling the repeal of DADT - that is, if you had anything to do with it other than making it a campaign promise.

What I don't understand is the positioning of yourself with the GOP on the "Republican Tax Reduction Act of 2010" formerly known as "The Bush Tax Cuts".

Dropping Social Security to 4% is not acceptable. It's simply a way to phase it out. Social Security and Medicare have been a problem for years, but Medicare is really the problem. Your Health Care plan hardly addresses that. Not dealing with Estate Tax "the Death Tax" was just plain dumb - while the yield would have been minimal, but to continue drop the top 3% (which, by the way, who pay the majority of taxes is astonishing). Programs must be cut - school lunches, school programs, excessive government spending, and more.

I hope our military is bringing over enough of those poppies from Afghanistan to make up for the shortfall, if not, some of those guys in Washington need to be smoking Crack! Might give 'em some ideas they didn't have.

I applaud the House Democrats for rejecting your "deal". That, finally shows some backbone on their part. Maybe they have finally listened to the people.

In closing, thanks for the DADT. But you must keep working. Families in this country are suffering by paying too much in taxes. Our middle class is literally disappearing - it's "the Have's and the Have Nots" and that's a shame.

God Bless America

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