Friday, January 12, 2007

Bureaucracy and Blunder

Well it was doomed to happen and now it has. The County has sent the road department crew out to clear the brush in the alley which runs behind the house. So, early this morning I am awakened by the sound of what seems to be 4,000 backhoe's and tractors.

It just so happens that in the corner of our property, on the alley, lies a very proficient blackberry bush which yielded about 8 gallons of blackberries this past Summer. For some reason I wasn't nervous about them taking out the main leaders or the bramble at all.

Luckily, they started clearing with that huge shovel and dove straight into the sewer line. The head honcho got off his rig and said, "Golly, do you think there might be a sewer line there?" Now, I may not be a county contractor or engineer but you would think they might check the location of he manholes (which now were under their equipment) before they took out the sewer. Just a thought.

I guess then there wouldn't be the need for the sewer company to come and do repairs. Hmmm, bureaucracy and blunder at its finest.

At least I'll still have a bountiful basket of blackberries this year.

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