Monday, January 15, 2007

The Great Freeze of '07

Bitter cold, yes, bitter. 19 degrees is unusually cold for the foothills of California on the western side of the Sierra Nevada's. The Nat'l Weather Service finally came out and said there was a freeze warning. Duh....two days ago. Or maybe they mean't me!

Our precious fruits will suffer greatly, I'm afraid. That Dwarf Lemon that I've planted twice will surely need anothe planting. Cherries, peaches, God knows what else. My large potted Camellia's have turned to Lot's wife...stone. Even the "Living" Christmas tree, an incense cedar, appears dead. So much for "living" trees. Good thing the roses like it.

And poor little Stoli. When it's time to do her business, she tip toes out onto the pale crunchy grass, drops a log, and runs back inside faster than you can say poop!

Ah, the joys of Winter. I've been in the same pair of woolens for the past week. Better warm up soon because their beginning to have a bit of an odor. (I won't take em off...not until Spring)

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