Tuesday, July 22, 2008

She made it through the storm

and boy, does she look fine, as evidenced by the photo below of her manicured paws. She was a little bit ornry for a day or two but then mellowed back out.

I guess the groomer knew what she was doing!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

DreadLocks be gone!

Well, my little Stoli has developed these little "dreadlocks" on either side of her ears and on her hind legs. I guess it's normal for a collie with longish hair for this to happen but I think it's starting to bother her. At night she shakes her had a lot and tried to scratch a bit behind her ears. She looks at me with this cute little expression and flaps her head from side to side. It's adorable but I get the impression it's beginning to bother her.

i'd been asking her vet about it for quite some time now and finally she said, "She needs a groomer, not a vet"! I found a really interesting link about dreadlocks. I can't seem to link it, but it's easily accessible through Google. The page is bright yellow, so you can't miss it.

So, tomorrow morning, very early, we are off to the groomer's. I think I better wear long sleeves and gloves and try to find her muzzle or she will have me for breakfast.. That horrible little shock collar at such an early age has conditioned her to want to bite my hands off. Hopefully all will be fine tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pride 2008

Wow, and was i proud. What a great festival to be at. First time I've ever seen the parade in all these years too. Here's a picture of Mark and I at the festival.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Spell Checks are good!

I only wish I would remember to do them more.

Dad on the train

What a wonderful way to spend Father's Day. Yes, a train ride with your father. We have lived next to Railtown 1897 for the past 10 1/2 years and until this past Sunday, had never riden the train. Well, 1/2 price day came and away we went. What fun. A lovely gentlemen playing a violin (or fiddle) singing little ditties from yesteryear. Absolutely charming.

Except for the fact that the first half of the ride we went backwards, we were trilled to return to the Jamestown Station heading the proper way.

As I think about how little time I have these days to read a book, or a newspaper for that matter, if only trains remained an integral part of our lives. Even buses, for that matter. That little bit of precious time could be spent so much better than negotiating subaru's and Prius's and trying to get the volume right on our bluetooth appliances.

Those were the days. I wish they were back. I wish I had time to get there and kill a couple birds with one stone. I also wish that I could tale many mpre train rides with my father. Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thanks for helping me remember how simple life was and possible could be.