Thursday, July 16, 2009


When I was 23 and an "actor" in Hollywood, I worked for about fourteen different caterers - most of the time, all at once. Small dinner parties, large bar mitzvah parties, parties in tents, parties on rooftops with fireworks, parties in corrals, parties at the Back lot at Twentieth Century Fox, you name it -- I did a party there. Even at the Rose Bowl and in Diamond-Bar, over the old
Los Angeles dump.

I'm reminded that this was hard work yet it provided valuable lessons for me later in life . . . even today.

Today, I resume the role of caterer extraordinaire. It's good sometimes we don't always shake off the lessons of our youth. Let's see some of those lessons might be that cascading fruit doesn't look good. Sushi passed on trays in hundred-degree weather doesn't fair well and you can never pack enough stuff to set the damn thing up.

There is something wonderful about an event. A spirit of nervous excitement by the hostess and the caterer, for that matter and of course, the satisfaction of being close-up to people as they enjoy what they're eating and the ambiance created by the event.

So as I don a crisp white apron, the motto is "Serving Trays Up"!

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