Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sundays , Sunday

I still hate Sundays. I think it stems from me as a child, an only child. No one is ever around, or at least around me. I always feel self-defeating, never get any thing done and am completely lethargic.

Somehow, I must get over it.

I also think that the reason people get married (or involved) with other people later in life is because no one wants to be alone. It's quite tragic, really.

Just the thought of someone to curl up in bed with, to talk to about current events or even non-current wouldn't be bad. I don't know.

The isolationism of this county has apparently gotten to me. There is no one here. At least no one I can find. Without obvious looking.

I guess this is just my lot in life. I had way too much fun when I was younger that I am paying for it now. Period, end of story.

Life alone at the age of 49.

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