Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Surprise Visitor

So yesterday afternoon, around 4pm, my father told me someone was at the front door asking for me. I wasn't expecting anyone and I knew it must be someone respectable because all my trashy friends use the side door.

I opened the door and there she was. Politely, I asked who she was. It was Judith. My birthmother's high school girlfriend when she was pregnant living in Tuolumne. I hadn't spoken to her is a couple years. I invited her in. Introduced her to my father and we sat down at the dining room table and had a lovely visit. (Luckily, on Sunday, I made an Apple Upside Down cake, so I cut some slices and brewed some tea.

It seems she had driven from Carson City over the "harrowing" Sonora Pass and was on her way to visit her brother in Oakdale. She had swung by Tuolumne looking for her old "homestead".

I was a very pleasant visit. I had felt Judith held me hostage a couple of years ago by not telling me the location of her "homestead". Apparently, she didn't know as it never had an address.

We talked of LindaMom and my visit in May and before I knew it, she was off.

An unlikely, but pleasant visit on a Tuesday. Thank God for upside down apples on Sunday.

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