Saturday, February 27, 2010

A New World!

Wow, a week has gone by and it’s absolutely amazing. By making just one little alteration in my diet, my life has changed…well, it has!

And it’s been received quite well by all I know. Tuesday was hard. I was tired and just couldn’t wake up. Until about 3 or 4 Pm, but I blew right past that. Thursday, Friday went really well. I quess having a huge deadline had a lot to do with it but everything got done and out the door.

Today, however, was a different story. The chicken I made on Wednesday (and had for dinner on Thursday and Friday nights had turned foul, literally. Needless to say, this morning I was quite sick. I finally got out of bed around 2 PM. Pulled it together only to find out I had forgotten to pay the Satellite bill and there would be no TV until Monday. Oops!

Dad is watching “Evita” now. Amazing! And I am blogging! How perfect. He’s almost to the balcony scene, where I’ll provide an intermission. I think this morning had a lot to do with not having a pressurized deadline. Which allowed my stomach to feel like barf and stay in bed.

Mom’s CAT scan went well on Thursday and showed no cancer. However, her hypoglycemic levels are in the danger zone. She has a bone scan scheduled for next week, which might tell us more. Of course, when se went to the doctor, she had an excuse for everything. God love her.

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