Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Sometimes what you love changes...(Warning: Spoiler - "The Hurt Locker" - 2009, Movie)

That's the clincher in this movie and boy, what a concept. I can think about now and then 20 years ago. What I loved then was so different from what I love today. With the movie, what the character, James, loved was a dangerous game. Now how many times have I been in love with a dangerous game.

All I can say is, "Many!" And you can read whatever you want into the word game because there is a lot there to read into.

I rented the movie on iTunes and because I'm old, I fell asleep towards the end the first time so I watched it again. And, of course, I had to watch the ending one more time because I fell asleep for the 2rd time. Not that it wasn't interesting, but because about all I can take at a time is about 2 hours. (It's so hard being old.)

When I really got to see it, it really rang a bell. It was kind of really important to the story. In fact, the point.

Anyway, I guess I better change my favorite movies on my profile now. Don't you love it?

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