Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do you believe?

Well, it seems that today is Easter Sunday.

What seems fascinating to me is that children actually believe in the Easter Bunny and Christians actually believe Christ arose from the dead...that may be a bold statement for many people believe in many fantasies.

Now I feel, and have always felt for the most part, that without organized religion our world, or country, would be chaos. Religion has it's part in creating a right and wrong, what is good and what is bad or a black and white and even a gray or grey. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Many people in this world need some sort of "belief" or "guidelines" in their lives. But aren't we overdoing it just a little? Or is it by some galactic positioning that this year's Easter Sunday is a "super duper holy day!"

I say that in the trail of USA Today's article, "How Easter and Christianity undermine Atheism". USA Today went on to say, "Because aside from all the logical arguments for God's existence and all the miracles and all the truths contained in Scripture, one simple fact remains: 2,000 years ago, on that first quiet Easter Sunday morning, Christ did rise". Now mind you this article was an opinion piece, yet not labeled as such. So I would take this as actual reporting of the news. This writer has made two assumptions; that Scripture is the Holy word of God and that there was a resurrection of Christ. I suppose being an American, we are all to believe this to be fact.

In another article, the writer spoke of the Second Coming of Christ being seen on Twitter and other forms of social networking. I personally think this is a wee bit far fetched but the "Holy Bible" says, "...every eye shall see him" and I guess, if an eye is reading their tweets, then it will be interrupted with coverage of the 2nd Coming. How terrific that is. We probably won't even have to wait until the middle of the night to see it, like we will next week for the Royal Wedding. I bet it will be simultaneously broadcast in whatever time zone one lives in.

Call me cynical but I do believe we all have a higher power - it just may be called something different but I also believe tolerance is more needed in this world today, even on my part, than Easter Bunnies or re-enactments of the crucifixion being headlines as Prime Time events.

Just a thought from someone who thinks as eternity is the time between now and bedtime.

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