Monday, April 18, 2011

The end of Tax Year 2010

Well, it’s April 18 – and I finally get somewhat of a break. Yes, folks, tax season is over and we made it! I, quite honestly had my doubts at times, but Dad pulled through and we did it! And he pulled through with some quite complicated returns too. We did have his associate Veda here for the first of the season to fall back on if we needed to but she evaporated back to the Bay Area in mid-March.

Now mind you Home Health Care has about had it with him, but I think he’s had it with them too. Scheduling was a real issue during the early part of March. All the data entry they do and 10 minutes of physical therapy…every visit. His patience just couldn’t take it. Then there was the Nurse’s aide who came at 7:30 am to help bathe him…or should I say, bother him. It was way too early and messed up the entire day. But, I think we’re pretty much done with that now. At least I hope so.

He’s is doing much better health wise, but his legs continue to bother him – which is part CHF and his bad knee – so it’s quite an ordeal for him to get around. He is continuing to use the walker –which is a nice security, but I think I’m going to move the Dining Room table into the kitchen between the stove and the sink for all the trotting back and forth with clean and dirty dishes I’ve done.

We had a deal, I cooked, he cleaned. Well, now it’s I cook, I clean! (It’s just not fair but I’ll have to just get over it.)

It was very good for him to interact with clients and you could tell they really appreciate him, his knowledge and the care he takes with them.

Through it all, and I always try to have a project going each year, I was able to complete the remodelling of my closet, which had been an absolute nightmare. So I’m happy with that but I did let my Broker’s license slide and have 45 hours of Continuing Education to complete. I had started it in early March, but I just couldn’t handle sitting at the computer all day and then most of the evening trying to do the courses. So now maybe I have some time to get that done. Californina is so messed up. The grace period for a broker is one year. Thank you, but really.

I just realized Easter is Sunday, so I, strike that, we wish everyone a Happy Easter! We won’t be having the egg hunt this year though. We barely got the grass mowed. The exciting news is that I personally witnessed the polinization of the Bing Cherries, the Nectarine, the Frost Peaches, the Elberta’s and the Bosc pear tree. Yeah! It should provide a nice bounty around August or so.

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