Tuesday, January 9, 2007

tweety bird and forgotten birthdays

So, my X way over did my birthday...after not remembering, not celebrateing, nothing a few years ago in a row. This year, a call, with voicemail attached, a multimedia message and a bomb. He and his familiy and his new BF were in "Our - Let's Celebrate My Birthday Place - Puerto Vallarta, MEXICO", As I think about it, a simple voicemail would have been satisfactory from him. Never did have much empathy, that one.

Then - Mom called (before the evening's application of Jug wine), my local friend came by, Heather forgot, and my sister - well, let's seel. I guess I'll hear from her the next time I call....as was the last time.

Needless to say, Dad baked a "scratch" pumpkin pie and bought rib eye's which I grilled to perfecion. Boy, the little birds sound wonderful this winter's morning as I listen to them forage for food.

I wonder how they celebrate...

1 comment:

Bill said...

My X told me to fix the coment about his emphathy. So, call it what you will. Maybe emphathy is not the correct word, but it's close.