Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Greetings!

So this is Christmas...

It's been a year! We've certainly had our ups and downs this year, but somehow, someway, both my father and I have made it through another year.

I didn't travel much but I did further my education. I also spent a lot of time care-taking after Dad's vacation at SRMC.

Through it all, on Christmas Eve we both find each other well, fed, happy and there are gifts under the "tree". (It's definitely not a tree, but we lit the outside of the house in a conservatively economical way this year.)

This coming year we hope to do more work in the yard - we had great success with our two year old "orchard" of pears, peaches, nectarines and cherries. Of course, the roses didn't let us down and they were all gorgeous in almost 3 full blushes.
Politics have run the spectrum in the TV room and I am sporting a Turn Off FOX sticker on my Ford. Meanwhile, in the TV room, it's Palin and O'Reilly blathering all day long! Kinda funny how children can become the complete political and philosophical opposites of each other.

Anyway, this year was a time to re-unite with old friends, dump some bad habits, and make a fresh start on many different levels. I'm pleased to say, it's been quite a metamorphosis! I am so thankful and lucky to have the people that are in my life. (You know who you are!)

So, my friends, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - My phrase for my year is "Grateful, Thank you! Grateful for old friends, grateful for marvelous opportunities for learning that I can never say thank you enough!

So this is Christmas, what have we done? (A terrific song with terrific lyrics). Listen to it tomorrow).
John Lennon & Yoko Ono 1971

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Mr. President,

I applaud you for doing something right in propelling the repeal of DADT - that is, if you had anything to do with it other than making it a campaign promise.

What I don't understand is the positioning of yourself with the GOP on the "Republican Tax Reduction Act of 2010" formerly known as "The Bush Tax Cuts".

Dropping Social Security to 4% is not acceptable. It's simply a way to phase it out. Social Security and Medicare have been a problem for years, but Medicare is really the problem. Your Health Care plan hardly addresses that. Not dealing with Estate Tax "the Death Tax" was just plain dumb - while the yield would have been minimal, but to continue drop the top 3% (which, by the way, who pay the majority of taxes is astonishing). Programs must be cut - school lunches, school programs, excessive government spending, and more.

I hope our military is bringing over enough of those poppies from Afghanistan to make up for the shortfall, if not, some of those guys in Washington need to be smoking Crack! Might give 'em some ideas they didn't have.

I applaud the House Democrats for rejecting your "deal". That, finally shows some backbone on their part. Maybe they have finally listened to the people.

In closing, thanks for the DADT. But you must keep working. Families in this country are suffering by paying too much in taxes. Our middle class is literally disappearing - it's "the Have's and the Have Nots" and that's a shame.

God Bless America

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dear Mr. President,

I awoke this morning to the Stephanie Miller radio show where they were discussing how the President had caved on the Bush Tax Cuts and additionally extended Unemployment Benefits for 13 months rather than 24

Appalled and betrayed are the only words I could find to describe my feelings about these issues. Feeling this way, I wrote my first letter to the President. A letter, written with respect yet questioning his character and his ability to stand up to the opposition.

While we have seemingly elected a good and honest man, we have elected someone who campaigned on the slogan, “Change you can believe in”. Yet, we have not seen any change at all. I realize there is a huge faction of citizens, while saying they are not racist, indeed are. I truly believe there is an attitude of not allowing a single thing this man wants to do. It is apparent the “old guard”. The southern (and northern) senators and congressmen whose families have a history of owning slaves still feel this way and while he may have a good idea, they aren’t going to allow him to you suggest or let a single idea get done. Not this “boy”.

It is my opinion that you don’t put an idea out there and say, “Let’s discuss”! You obviously will get shot down. The stupidity of allowing an outgoing President set up a Bailout only a week before you take office and then allowing you to get stuck with the consequences was telling from the start. The entire “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” debacle, the health care plan - Here’s my thoughts, what are yours? Remember, its people that have health care are deciding whether the people that don’t, can. It’s insane. I’ve always said, if that’s your story, and then stick with it. Well, Mr. President, if that’s your concept, stick with it!

I find it even more disgusting the media assassination this man must go through. It was never like this during the Bush years. Never. There are hours upon hours each day on the airwaves that are full of hate for this man. And the mindless in this country, the people who follow, and don’t have an original thought in their head, just follow the lead. Someone once said, without organized religion, there would be chaos. I believe that is the same for many of our media outlets. It’s not the news folks; it’s an opinion of the news. And America just doesn’t get it. But without their lead, I’m afraid chaos would prevail.

Awhile-back Mr. Obama indicated he would rather be a good one-term president rather than a bad two-term president. Well, right now it doesn’t matter whether it’s one or two. Because he has let opportunity after opportunity go by to prove his strength and character and in my opinion failed each time.

While I am neither a Republican nor Democrat, I would expect a president to take time to find his stride. Mr. Obama, find your stride. It’s time.