Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Favorite Things

I love the smell of fresh bread. I remember, in Paris, walking around in the early mornings, and the smell of baking bread in the ovens of the boulangeries. Ooh la la! I also remember the hearty soups. Whether creamed, veloute, country style, cassoulet. Such wonderful foods: Bread and Soup.

After finally being able to spend Satirday morning sleeping in, I woke around Noon and after cleaning up, began my tasks for the day and thought about recreating memories of wonderful things.

I had saved back some prime rib meat from Christmas and had my mise en place and assorted beans. I then, after much thought, decided upon lentil beef. I had forgotten that lentils double, as do barley and other certain beans. The savory crispness of the prime rib and vegetables would be the ticket.

The bread was something a bit trickier and I really wanted to be creative. I wanted a French bread, but not a baquette or roulade. Something sweet. I chose a Martha Stewart recipe and varied a bit ending up with a Whole Wheat Raisin Walnut Cinnamon French bread. An absolute delicious combination.

Well, now that it’s two days later and I reread this. I am once again longing for the warm, rich flavors of Saturday. That means, it’s time to eat - meaning bread, soup, and ofcourse, apple pie.

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