Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Waking up this morning

The things I woke up missing this morning:

Eating ice cream on my partner’s chest in bed.
Someone to tell me I have lint on my back
Someone to walk with down the main street in town.
Someone to comment on my haircut, dinner, cleaning ability, shopping skills, just pretty much any kind of affirmation.
Someone to sample new restaurants or recipes with
Someone to reach over me in the middle of the night, while I’m asleep and gently kiss the back of my neck
Someone to purchase gifts for
Someone to gleefully anticipate his arrival
Waking up late with someone special on a Sunday morning.
Someone to worry about when times are tough, or when a natural disaster strikes or when it’s raining hard and they are not home
Someone to pop my pimples and fix me soup when I’m not feeling well
Someone to pamper and pamper back.
Someone to talk about dreams with.
Someone to love, more than anything else in the world.
To love and be loved.

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