Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What it Takes

Last week I received an email from someone I didn't know. It was signed AT&T. I apparently didn't attach my account number to the Letter to AT&T when I had posted it on my main willyf.com page. The woman stated she wanted to "credit (my) bill for the incontinence (I) had gone through as well as for the rebates that were promised." I am still not sure if "incontinence" is the correct word, but it certainly was descriptive enough. I responded and we talked. She indicated she would credit my account and that would be that. I was aghast!

Could it be that after having my letter posted on the internet for all to see for over a month finally got to someone at the company who had the authority to say, "deal with this, it's embarrassing". The AT&T representative didn't realize that a number of people had contacted me from around the state wanting to discuss this very same issue. She may also have been unaware of the Complaint I had filed with the FCC. Even more interesting to me was that if you were to Google willyf.com the first citing is "Letter to AT&T". And it has been cached, which I guess means, that while it's been pulled from my website, it can still be viewed. Amazing! The problem with AT&T began in late May of last year and has taken over 6 months to get to this point.

Yesterday, I called the phone company to just see what had been done and found, to my surprise, AT&T had actually credited me the amount of Rebates promised. Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Of course, it's hard to make up for the hardship of having $550 phone bills, which were incorrect and eventually credited, still having to have been paid. At the same time being hit with astronomical electric and propane bills. Amazing!

I wonder if it is possible to deregulate, Deregulation. I guess it would be just the same cycle over again. In any event, my story has come to a close.